Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm a programmer and designer. I work with a variety of languages and tools to create websites, applications, video games and more.

My first time programming was in 2012 when I decided to build my own website. It was an overly ambitious project intended to be like Wikipedia but better. I never finished that one, but I've since built dozens of websites for clients all over the U.S.

I work with my partner Chris at Netex Consulting and have been for 5+ years. My work mainly consists of web development, databasing, and configuring 3CX phone systems.

My Skills include:

  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • PHP, Node.JS
  • React, Gatsby
  • Databasing, SQL
  • WordPress, Strapi
  • Electron.JS, React Native
  • Unity, Unreal Engine
  • 3CX Phone Systems